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Level 1 (Open Position)
Level 1 Introduction (3:51)
Technique Fundamentals
Sitting Posture and Holding the Guitar (3:22)
Right-Hand Position (2:45)
Left-Hand Position (5:29)
Guitar Fundamentals
String Names and Numbers (2:00)
Tuning Your Guitar (11:37)
Right-Hand Fingers (1:41)
Left-Hand Fingers (1:20)
Theory Fundamentals
12 Notes of Western Music (6:14)
How to Read Western Notation (Optional) (9:58)
Meter and Rhythm (7:18)
Keys and Key Signatures (11:14)
How to Read Tablature (4:02)
How to Read Fretboard Diagrams (3:28)
Fundamentals Exercises
Exercise: Fundamentals 1 (9:22)
Exercise: Fundamentals 2 (6:40)
Exercise: Fundamentals 3 (5:15)
Harmony 1
Open Chord Shapes (6:20)
Exercise: Harmony 1 (4:31)
Preparing for the Song Tutorials
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Why Play the Spirituals?
Song Tutorial 1
When the Saints Go Marching In (Open Position) (12:42)
Technique 1
Basic Strumming (3:26)
Arpeggio Position (3:14)
i-m Plucking (2:53)
Open and Rest Strokes (3:04)
Exercise: Technique 1 (8:38)
Song Tutorial 2
Michael Row the Boat Ashore (Open Position) (9:25)
Theory 1
Melody and Harmony (7:20)
Intervals (7:42)
Simple Meter (4:25)
Exercise: Theory 1 (5:11)
Song Tutorial 3
This Little Light of Mine (Open Position) (6:54)
Melody 1
The Major Scale (4:48)
The Natural Minor Scale (3:32)
Open Scale Positions (3:47)
Exercise: Melody 1 (10:25)
Song Tutorial 4
Wayfaring Stranger (Open Position) (11:03)
Musicianship 1
Solfege - Diatonic Scales (6:44)
Exercise: Musicianship 1 (7:35)
Song Tutorial 5
Kumbaya (Open) (10:57)
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Video Submission
Technique 2
Hammer-ons and Pull-offs (3:44)
Slides (2:07)
Exercise: Technique 2 (4:30)
Song Tutorial 6
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (Open Position) (11:31)
Harmony 2
Triads (7:47)
CAGED Movable Chord Shapes (7:00)
Movable Triad Chord Shapes (9:29)
Exercise: Harmony 2 (6:45)
Song Tutorial 7
Down by the Riverside (Open Position) (7:20)
Theory 2
Roman Numeral Analysis (6:16)
Functional Tonality (10:50)
Exercise: Theory 2 (8:43)
Song Tutorial 8
Down in the River to Pray (Open) (5:27)
Song Tutorial 9
Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho (Open) (8:42)
Song Tutorial 10
Peace Like a River (Open Position) (7:51)
Level 1 Summary + Next Steps
Summary + Next Steps (1:43)
Level 1 Booster Information
Level 1 Booster Information
Chord-Harmony Booster
Chord-Harmony Booster Introduction (4:20)
Chord-Harmony: Open Triads
Open Major Triads (8:54)
Open minor Triads (8:54)
Chord-Harmony: Movable Major Triads
Movable C Major Triads (9:50)
Movable A Major Triads (7:16)
Movable G Major Triads (7:02)
Movable E Major Triads (7:14)
Movable D Major Triads (7:19)
Chord-Harmony: Movable minor Triads
Movable C minor Triads (7:20)
Movable A minor Triads (7:08)
Movable G minor Triads (7:13)
Movable E minor Triads (7:02)
Movable D minor Triads (7:21)
Chord-Harmony Booster Summary
Chord-Harmony Booster Summary (1:26)
Scale-Melody Booster
Scale-Melody Booster Introduction (5:41)
Scale-Melody: Open Scales
Open C Major Scale (11:16)
Open C minor Scale (11:47)
Open A Major Scale (10:59)
Open A minor Scale (10:45)
Open G Major Scale (11:10)
Open G minor Scale (10:48)
Open E Major Scale (11:06)
Open E minor Scale (11:22)
Open D Major Scale (10:55)
Open D minor Scale (10:57)
Scale-Melody Booster Summary
Scale-Melody Booster Summary (2:25)
Solfege-Musicianship Booster
Solfege-Musicianship Booster Introduction (7:05)
Solfege-Musicianship: Exercise 1
Exercise 1: C Major (7:45)
Exercise 1: C minor (6:07)
Exercise 1: A Major (5:55)
Exercise 1: A minor (6:06)
Exercise 1: G Major (Female voices to start here) (7:41)
Exercise 1: G minor (6:07)
Exercise 1: E Major (5:59)
Exercise 1: E minor (5:52)
Exercise 1: D Major (6:02)
Exercise 1: D minor (6:08)
Solfege-Musicianship: Exercise 2
Exercise 2: C Major (6:04)
Exercise 2: C minor (5:22)
Exercise 2: A Major (5:48)
Exercise 2: A minor (5:19)
Exercise 2: G Major (5:55)
Exercise 2: G minor (6:07)
Exercise 2: E Major (5:55)
Exercise 2: E minor (5:19)
Exercise 2: D Major (5:55)
Exercise 2: D minor (5:35)
Solfege-Musicianship: Exercise 3
Exercise 3: C Major (7:45)
Exercise 3: C minor (8:15)
Exercise 3: A Major (8:13)
Exercise 3: A minor (8:13)
Exercise 3: G Major (8:16)
Exercise 3: G minor (8:20)
Exercise 3: E Major (8:12)
Exercise 3: E minor (8:12)
Exercise 3: D Major (8:15)
Exercise 3: D minor (8:37)
Solfege-Musicianship Booster Summary
Solfege-Musicianship Booster Summary (1:57)
Movable G minor Triads
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